Leibler Yavneh College letter to parents
9 March 2015
Dear Parents,
The purpose of this letter is to update you on recent substantive College developments that relate to the safety and protection of our children from exploitation or abuse - and to encourage a pro-active educational partnership between family and school in relation to this critical issue.
Today we participated in a child abuse prevention training program that involved College staff, senior management, YPO leadership and the College Executive. The conference featured a presentation by Child Wise (www.childwise.org.au), one of Australia’s leading not-for-profit child abuse prevention organisations. Child Wise is well known to Leibler Yavneh, having assisted us develop and audit our Child Protection Policy approximately 10 years ago. Today’s program was designed to provide both general implementation training but also specific reinforcement of the College Child Protection and Mandatory Reporting Policies that have been updated in recent weeks. These updates supersede our former policies and have been available on our website (http://www.yavneh.vic.edu.au/about/privacy/) since the start of term. We strongly encourage you to read them carefully and discuss, as appropriate, relevant aspects with your children. Moreover, we urge you to review available resources that Child Wise has made available on the subject of child abuse and its prevention. (http://www.childwise.org.au/page/39/fact-sheets).
Today was also an opportunity to inform all participants, staff particularly, of the recent works undertaken at the College that align our physical infrastructure with our protection policies, and of Child Wise’s physical (campus facilities) and Child Protection and Mandatory Reporting Policy audits.
Child Wise today highlighted the range of criteria that we must and are committed to meeting in order to qualify for Child Safer Organisation Certification. The College has agreed to partner with Child Wise on an ongoing basis to ensure uncompromising day-to-day adherence to our stated policies. The criteria include:
1. An Open and Aware Culture
2. Understanding of Child Abuse
3. Managing Risk to Minimise Abuse
4. Child Protection Policies and Procedures
5. Clear Boundaries
6. Recruitment and Selection
7. Screening of Representatives
8. Support and Supervision
9. Empowering Children and Young People
10. Training and Education
11. Complaints and Disclosures
12. Legal Responsibilities
At the end of our conference, members of staff signed a declaration confirming that they have read and understood the College’s Child Protection and Mandatory Protection Policies and that they are committed to their obligations and responsibilities towards the children entrusted to our care as Leibler Yavneh implements the Child Safer Organisation Certification Program.
The work that the College has for a number of years undertaken in relation to staff training on child protection will supplement long-standing educational content within the classrooms, including programs like Kids Matter (http://www.kidsmatter.edu.au/primary/programs/protective-behaviours-personal-safety-program). Senior staff will again be visiting classes to talk through with students pertinent age-appropriate issues and strategies in relation to their personal safety and privacy. We strongly encourage you to engage in appropriate conversations with your children in the home environment to complement the work being undertaken by the College. Boyd Cowley, our school psychologist, is a key resource available to you to assist, should you require guidance in broaching these topics with your children. The College has also invited Child Wise to conduct an educational evening for parents in coming weeks intended to facilitate stronger school/home alignment in dealing with the issue.
In relation to the Crèche and Early Learning Centre (ELC), parents should be aware that all staff members have been awarded certificates in Child Protection and Mandatory Reporting from both the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development as well as an external provider In Safe Hands (http://www.insafehands.net.au/child-protection). All Crèche and ELC staff members have also participated in training workshops in both 2013 and in 2014 as a component of Leibler Yavneh’s ELC Accreditation Process.
No college is immune to the scourge of child abuse. We therefore strongly encourage any person with knowledge of any child abuse to immediately report to Victoria Police. Leibler Yavneh, with an ethos deeply rooted in the Torah values of Chesed (Kindness) and Emet (Truth), is obviously totally committed to offering our full support to any past or present students who wish to come forward as a consequence of having experienced abuse within our organisation.
Ultimately, it is the school culture, the integrity of the individuals responsible for its governance, the accountability of the lay leadership, and the proper education, training and policies in place that will, G-d willing, ensure that we do everything possible to keep all our children safe.
With every good wish,
B’virkat Shalom
Roy Steinman Avi Gilboa
College Principal College Chairman
The purpose of this letter is to update you on recent substantive College developments that relate to the safety and protection of our children from exploitation or abuse - and to encourage a pro-active educational partnership between family and school in relation to this critical issue.
Today we participated in a child abuse prevention training program that involved College staff, senior management, YPO leadership and the College Executive. The conference featured a presentation by Child Wise (www.childwise.org.au), one of Australia’s leading not-for-profit child abuse prevention organisations. Child Wise is well known to Leibler Yavneh, having assisted us develop and audit our Child Protection Policy approximately 10 years ago. Today’s program was designed to provide both general implementation training but also specific reinforcement of the College Child Protection and Mandatory Reporting Policies that have been updated in recent weeks. These updates supersede our former policies and have been available on our website (http://www.yavneh.vic.edu.au/about/privacy/) since the start of term. We strongly encourage you to read them carefully and discuss, as appropriate, relevant aspects with your children. Moreover, we urge you to review available resources that Child Wise has made available on the subject of child abuse and its prevention. (http://www.childwise.org.au/page/39/fact-sheets).
Today was also an opportunity to inform all participants, staff particularly, of the recent works undertaken at the College that align our physical infrastructure with our protection policies, and of Child Wise’s physical (campus facilities) and Child Protection and Mandatory Reporting Policy audits.
Child Wise today highlighted the range of criteria that we must and are committed to meeting in order to qualify for Child Safer Organisation Certification. The College has agreed to partner with Child Wise on an ongoing basis to ensure uncompromising day-to-day adherence to our stated policies. The criteria include:
1. An Open and Aware Culture
2. Understanding of Child Abuse
3. Managing Risk to Minimise Abuse
4. Child Protection Policies and Procedures
5. Clear Boundaries
6. Recruitment and Selection
7. Screening of Representatives
8. Support and Supervision
9. Empowering Children and Young People
10. Training and Education
11. Complaints and Disclosures
12. Legal Responsibilities
At the end of our conference, members of staff signed a declaration confirming that they have read and understood the College’s Child Protection and Mandatory Protection Policies and that they are committed to their obligations and responsibilities towards the children entrusted to our care as Leibler Yavneh implements the Child Safer Organisation Certification Program.
The work that the College has for a number of years undertaken in relation to staff training on child protection will supplement long-standing educational content within the classrooms, including programs like Kids Matter (http://www.kidsmatter.edu.au/primary/programs/protective-behaviours-personal-safety-program). Senior staff will again be visiting classes to talk through with students pertinent age-appropriate issues and strategies in relation to their personal safety and privacy. We strongly encourage you to engage in appropriate conversations with your children in the home environment to complement the work being undertaken by the College. Boyd Cowley, our school psychologist, is a key resource available to you to assist, should you require guidance in broaching these topics with your children. The College has also invited Child Wise to conduct an educational evening for parents in coming weeks intended to facilitate stronger school/home alignment in dealing with the issue.
In relation to the Crèche and Early Learning Centre (ELC), parents should be aware that all staff members have been awarded certificates in Child Protection and Mandatory Reporting from both the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development as well as an external provider In Safe Hands (http://www.insafehands.net.au/child-protection). All Crèche and ELC staff members have also participated in training workshops in both 2013 and in 2014 as a component of Leibler Yavneh’s ELC Accreditation Process.
No college is immune to the scourge of child abuse. We therefore strongly encourage any person with knowledge of any child abuse to immediately report to Victoria Police. Leibler Yavneh, with an ethos deeply rooted in the Torah values of Chesed (Kindness) and Emet (Truth), is obviously totally committed to offering our full support to any past or present students who wish to come forward as a consequence of having experienced abuse within our organisation.
Ultimately, it is the school culture, the integrity of the individuals responsible for its governance, the accountability of the lay leadership, and the proper education, training and policies in place that will, G-d willing, ensure that we do everything possible to keep all our children safe.
With every good wish,
B’virkat Shalom
Roy Steinman Avi Gilboa
College Principal College Chairman