It is important to highlight the following:
Yeshivah Centre 1 September 2017: "We also note that this is not a re-engagement but a continuing engagement. Contrary to what is being reported, Rabbi Telsner has not been offered a "new contract" or a "new position"."
Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Groner to the Royal Commission (23 March2017):
MS SHARP: Who is the Head Rabbi at Yeshivah Centre Melbourne.
RABBI GRONER: Currently, there isn't one.
MS SHARP: From what time has there been no head rabbi?
RABBI GRONER: Since the resignation of Rabbi Telsner.
MS SHARP: When did he resign?
RABBI GRONER: I think it was approximately September - September or October 2015.
These can't both be true. Which is it?
The full FAQs are reprinted here:
FAQ regarding Rabbi Telsner
What will Rabbi Telsner's position entail?
Rabbi Telsner will be responsible for supervising questions concerning Kashruth [Kosher matters] and some teaching duties however he will not hold a position of leadership. We also note that this is not a re-engagement but a continuing engagement.
Contrary to what is being reported, Rabbi Telsner has not been offered a "new contract" or a "new position". The Board has clarified his duties. Any other reporting of this position is false and misleading.
Who will give talks in Shule [synagogue] over Tishrei [High Holidays Hebrew calendar month]?
Various people will be asked to speak over Tishrei and this may include Rabbi Telsner like any other member of the Kehilla [congregation].
Was Rabbi Telsner coerced and is he truly supportive of the new arrangement?
Rabbi Telsner was not coerced. We commend and thank Rabbi Telsner for working with us. We have jointly reviewed Rabbi Telsners terms of employment and job description, and made appropriate amendments to reflect where we feel Rabbi Telsner is able to add the most value, whilst at the same time paving the way for Rabbinic renewal.
The board firmly and unequivocally stands behind its decision and believes the outcome reflects the needs and interests of the overwhelming majority of the Members which is ultimately to whom we are accountable.
What you mean that 'members of the community may choose...?
Officiating at a simcha [private joyous family event] is not a role associated with Yeshivah and therefore, in a private capacity, members of the community can engage Rabbi Telsner to do so if they wish.
The full FAQ are reprinted here: