Manny Waks and Tzedek wish to put an end to unfortunate disagreements which have arisen between us in the wake of this announcement and which risk distracting from the real issue at hand.
While we may have different ways of going about things and may not always agree, we wish to make clear that we are united in our view that the welfare of victims/survivors of child sexual abuse and the safety of children in our community comes before all else and in that context, the appointment by Adass of Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant is unacceptable at this time. We will continue striving toward an outcome that is safe for everyone.
We will continue to work towards ensuring the best outcomes for victims/survivors of child sexual abuse and the safety of children in our community.
The Board of the school have agreed to work with Tzedek in striving toward an outcome that is safe and healing for everyone.