First up, below is an unedited email correspondence between a Ms Mable Norton (on behalf of Lauren Witzke from Truth & Light Media) and myself. Below that I will make further clarifications.
Mable Norton (17/1):
Hello, I am writing a paper on abuse and came across your story. I was wondering if you would be willing to speak with me for my story?
Me (17/1):
Hi, for which publication?
Mable (17/1):
I am working with a small team to produce an independent research paper with an accompanying video on the subject. It would be released on social media and YouTube. The team had previously helped release the documentary "Died Suddenly" which was a resounding success.
If willing, I could connect you with my boss and she could give you more of or all of the information you are looking for.
I am her grunt :)
Me (18/1):
Thanks Mable.
I’m just limiting my activities regarding this issue, which has consumed my life since 2011. So I’m just trying to be more selective.
I’m also preparing for the impending court case against my first abuser, which will take place in Melbourne in March (he was recently extradited from the US). My second abuser has already been convicted and served his time.
I’d just like to request a little more detail, happy for you to both send me the link to the documentary you referenced and to connect me with your boss.
Mable (18/1):
Thank you so much. I understand completely.
Here is our website https://tlmglobalproductions.com/
This is my boss, Lauren [REDACTED]
Thank you again, Manny.
God bless
Mable (20/1):
Hey, Manny. Sorry, I know you are probably busy, and you have other things going on.
I am re-sending this to you in hopes that you considered meeting with us.
Thank you again :)
Me (20/1):
Hi Mable,
Happy to set up a teleconference to discuss this further.
I’m quite flexible, the earlier in the day, the better for me (so ideally your morning/my afternoon).
Feel free to suggest some options.
Mable (20/1):
Thank you, Manny!
How would Monday morning work for you? 9:30 New York time? We can be a little flexible of course. And just to be sure, you have zoom, right? That is typically what we use for this sort of thing.
Thank you, again, Manny!
Me (21/1):
Sounds good!
Are in NY? Just trying to work out the time difference. Please give me a time in Israel and we’ll speak then.
And yes, Zoom is fine.
Me (22/1):
Hi Mable,
I’m back home and will be ready in 20-30 minutes. I’ll send you a message when I’m ready.
I just wanted to mention that I wasn’t really expecting the interview to take place today, which explains why I wasn’t really prepared for it. I wrote that I was happy to have a teleconference today to further discuss this (see my email below).
Nevertheless, I’m comfortable proceeding, so I’ll speak to Lauren soon.
Mable (22/1):
Ah, Lauren told me - I’m so embarrassed! I’m sorry for not having been more articulate. Lauren said another 30 minutes and then she’ll send the link. Thank you so much, and again I apologize I was traveling, but there’s no excuse for me to be so absent minded.
Me (31/1):
Someone sent me the link to your story, which featured me, and having just watched it, I’m still recovering from the shock.
You approached me on completely false pretences - you claimed that it was to share my personal, difficult story of child sexual abuse and to provide guidance and support for those in similar situations. That’s the basis on which I agreed to participate.
Once we concluded our interview, you briefly asked me about the recent events in 770. I made it clear to you that I have no idea about any child abuse allegations but that what transpired suggested lawlessness, which leads to increased vulnerability for children. And while you briefly covered my story, you didn’t cover anything at all regarding the advice I gave for the benefit of other victims/survivors - you’re basically insinuating in your shoddy documentary that I support your bizarre theory. So I’d like to make it clear, I absolutely reject this insinuation.
I’m bitterly disappointed as I should’ve listened to my gut instinct, which was to deny the interview. I merely wanted to assist other survivors by sharing my story and knowledge, not to be used as an endorsement for your unfounded conspiracies.
The tunnels in 770 being systematically used for child abductions? You didn’t provide an ounce of evidence for this ludicrous claim. Finding a high chair and a soiled mattress in the tunnels doesn’t prove a thing!
You lied to me in your claim regarding the aim of the documentary; it wasn’t about child sexual abuse, my story and/or to assist other victims/survivors. Rather, it was focused entirely on the recent Chabad 770 story (which I agree is a major issue) and you tried to use me to make it sound more credible.
You and your network need to take a hard look at yourselves. You have zero credibility.
Shame on you all!
For anyone who watched the unedited interview, which lasted for over an hour and consisted of many questions, at the very end of the interview Lauren stated that she had one final question. That was the first time anything about the 770 Eastern Parkway Chabad-Lubavitch Headquarters scandal came up. This was a deliberate attempt to mislead me regarding the focus of this “documentary” – I was told that it was about the issue of child sexual abuse, which would focus on my personal story, and, as a long-time, prominent victims’ advocate, to provide advice to other victims/survivors. I was never told that this was a story about the tunnels of the Chabad Headquarters or that it was going to be a part of a Dom Lucre "documentary". I had never heard of Dom until a random person sent me the link to the "documentary". They effectively misled me and I feel that they did so for the purpose of gaining credibility for their false narrative.
To be clear, The Tunnels is not a documentary, it is certainly not journalism and it is not based on reality – rather, it is a conspiracy theory. There is absolutely no evidence to support Dom’s outrageous and baseless claims.
And as I said in the interview in response to Lauren’s question regarding what transpired at the Chabad Headquarters, I believe that the lawlessness that was recently exhibited within that institution is an added vulnerability for children. The Chabad leadership should’ve been aware that the tunnels were being built and should’ve taken steps against those involved. And if they weren’t aware of the tunnels, that’s at least just as concerning, as it would suggest that they have no idea was is occurring within their own institutions. Having re-listened to my response to Lauren, I’m proud of what I said and fully stand by it.
This “documentary” seems to benefit primarily Dom himself. It certainly does not help victims/survivors of child sexual abuse or the broader community – it diverts attention from facts and reality, which is far from what Dom portrays.
I accept some responsibility for this debacle, as I should've done my due diligence. I'll ensure to learn from this experience.
Click here to purchase my memoir, Who gave you permission?.