I'd like to thank my legal team (Mazzeo Legal) for their outstanding work in reaching today's settlement. Thank you also for the overwhelming and ongoing support by so many family, friends and supporters over these past difficult years.
I'm hoping that today's personal milestone will assist me in moving forward - in all aspects of my life, but especially in my healing process. I feel that to get as close as I can to achieving personal closure, my perpetrators and their enablers need to be held to account. I've managed to hold my second abuser, David Cyprys, to account - he's currently in jail. Today, I held Yeshivah to account. There's now only my first abuser, Velvel Serebryanki, who needs to be held to account. Victoria Police have recently confirmed that the matter is progressing, with the hope/expectation that Velvel will be extradited from the US to Australia in due course.
Nothing will make up for what I and so many others endured. Nothing will completely take away the pain and suffering. But sometimes justice feels sweet. And today, I feel a sense of justice and vindication.
Moving forward, I intend to continue to do what I can to ensure justice for past victims, and to ensure the safety of our children today. This will mean continuing this difficult journey, especially holding powerful individuals and institutions to account. This includes Yeshivah. Their lawyers conveyed on their behalf that they wanted to meet with me to apologise (again) and to update me on the work they are currently doing at Yeshivah to address the issue of child sexual abuse. My response was that I'd be willing to meet with them only after they get rid of (Rabbis) Telsner and Groner, who were both implicated in the Royal Commission. I'd then also be willing to accept their updated apology - in the meantime, anything they do is meaningless (and worse).
Justice, justice, you shall pursue.
Click here to read Yeshivah's public statement.